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Saturday, 5 January 2013

His friends call him Evdog and he drives a BMW

December saw little activity on the photography front as most of my time was spent confined to Reading University Library, poring over academic journals in my effort to construct a radical reappraisal of Henri Cartier-Bresson's early photographic works. This led to much bleeding from the ears and very little time out with camera in hand. 
However, on the occasion Friend Evan convinced me to set the books aside an join him for an adventure- which he soon discovered would essentially just be me in a state of teetotal neurosis sitting in his car-I managed to get through a couple of films, the first of which I've edited through directly now that my essay is safely deposited in the Birkbeck archives.

guy eating peanuts in GBK
Evan, Basingstoke

Houseparty scene in Reading
Em and Evan at houseparty, Reading

Rain on car window on motorway
Grim view from Evan's car shifting on length of motorway
The Christmas Crusades, Dec. 2012
 This last photograph followed a moment of paralytic fear as my front door bore numerous ferocious knockings to the collective warcry of Good King Wenceslas from yonder street. As I don't have the righteous disposition of Saladin of the Middle East or Faramir of Middle Earth to drive foreign invaders from my home, I did what any self-respecting person would do which is cower beneath the sink and pray the soldiers and their well-wishing eye of Sauron hadn't seen me.

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