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Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Rendezvous at The Chung Fu Temple

tattoo artist at chung fu temple

The Chief Abbot at the Chung Fu Temple, who promotes the inner-teachings of Taoism alongside martial arts and Spartan workouts also happens to be an awesome tattoo artist who's been helping me work on a Final Fantasy sleeve over the past few years, which, now that I have a job, I can finally get finished once and for all.

I went along with my Dad a few weeks ago whilst he was getting one of his many dragon pieces finished, and managed to get a FF Tonberry on my arm prior to my next session, and was also fortunate enough to get some photos of Mr Chung at work.

I have been asked in the past whether I might regret getting characters from a video game and a giant fucking camera tattooed on myself in future, but those people clearly never played the Final Fantasy series. What's more, even though I no longer even play the Final Fantasy series, it's something that's impacted my life in the same way all great stories have. Hell, video games are getting added to collections at MoMA  - and although I don't know where I stand on that - it certainly counts for something right? Means of expression are changing and Final Fantasy VI through to X have an unprecedented amount of depth, with storylines and characters that surpass - in my opinion - so many creations that are taken as literary canon - no seriously. And as I love both tattoos and this game, it seemed like the obvious choice for getting inked, rather than pick something off the wall like some sorta schmuck.

Final Fantasy tattoo - cait sith, vincent, ifrit, vivi
Vincent, Vivi & Marcus - Top of arm
Ifrit & Cait Sith - Underside of arm

final fantasy tattoo
Tonberry - back of arm just above elbow

Tattoo of a camera
Awesome Camera

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