Suffered something of a let down last week as I had my camera to hand ready to document an action-packed evening, took one frame, and realised too late it was a 24 exposure film instead of 36, resulting in
one photograph of the entire night. These cutbacks i'm making are taking their toll, and I think it's about time, perhaps, I just downloaded instagram and took a crappy multitude of photographs made to look good with filter-software wizardy like everybody else;
'look it's Art, see? I make it rustic monochrome by clicky button like dis.'
Anyway, whilst I wait for that film to be developed I've opted to self-indulge with a post,
much like that one a few weeks back, about my lovely inky Final Fantasy skin adornments that i'm hoping to get finished off over the next few weeks:
Gaps were filled this past Saturday with the addition of Freya Crescent, a Chocobo and Yojimbo, who are all pretty cool. I've space left for probably one last character, and have been considering Cloud, but perhaps he's a little too obvious?
UPDATE: May, 2013.
Can finally call it a day with Final Fantasy tattoo's. It just wouldn't be the same without the final addition of them little Moogles:
Moogle Tattoo |